3 Pole Light Switch. A) At the existing single pole light switch (the switch which is currently connected to the circuit breaker) remove this existing switch from the box. While they're not as prevalent in the home as single-pole or three-way switches.
Cooper Ivory Decorator Single Pole/3-Way DOUBLE Rocker ... (Alta Palmer) Three-way light switches control a light from two locations, such as from both ends of a staircase or hallway. I assumed it was a single pole switch as it is a simple switch to turn on the bedroom light and there are no other controlling switches, but when I pulled the old switch out of the wall I found three black wires attached to it (two go directly into the switch and a third is screwed on the side). Three-way switches are always used in pairs and allow you to control a light or receptacle from two different locations.
Step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting guides included.
I accidentally purchased a couple of them and only need to control one light each.
3P4T 3 Pole 4 Position Single Wafer Band Selector Rotary ...
Legrand NTL873 Radiant Single-Pole, 3-Way Switch and Night ...
Maxxima 3-Way / Single Pole Dimmer Electrical light Switch ...
3 way switch (single pole, double throw or SPDT) | How to ...
Leviton 15 Amp Duplex Style Single-Pole / 3-Way AC ...
Legrand 15/20-amp Double Pole 3-way White Toggle Indoor ...
When I went to turn on the power it tripped a breaker so I knew it was not right. Great switch for a great price. Three-way switches are always used in pairs and allow you to control a light or receptacle from two different locations.