2 Light Switches Into One. Perhaps when multiway switching was first strating to be used, the light fixture had a separate switch like a If you want more than two switches to control the same light, you can use any number of "four-way switches" A lamp is plugged into a receptacle controlled by a light switch on the wall. You can usually install a light fixture between an existing one and the switch by cutting the cable to the existing fixture at the location of the new one, inserting the ends of the cable into the electrical box for the new fixture and pigtailing the new fixture onto these wires.
Programmable light switches, also known as time switches, can save serious energy if you forget to turn your lights off often when leaving the Plug-in timers are ideal for turning on lamps automatically, without replacing a traditional switch with a timed switch.
This video is about Installing Two Leviton light Switches on One Power Source.
I looked at the starter kit, but it contains a dimmer wall switch. This is very useful for example placing a The electricity can make it through switch one and into switch two but the circuit is broken at switch two. Nexete smart light switch standard in-wall smart outlet,phone connect directly no need getway,transform any home into a smart home with the smart lighting control receptacle,Nexete smart socket wireless control of on/off functions is compatible with incandescent, LED, Xenon, Halogen.